Complete work from yesterday's RE and Reading learning in your books.
At break time, we have a massive game of stuck in the mud, but I notice that Georgia doesn’t join in. She’s sitting at the top of the climbing frame, legs swinging as she watches everyone having fun. Dodging Jake’s waving arms as he tries to tag me, I jog over to her. “You okay?” I ask, panting from the running. “Nervous,” Georgia mumbles, “And I’ve got to do that dance… who puts a dance in a Shakespeare play anyway? I don’t want to risk hurting myself by running around.”
R: What game are they playing?
I: Is Georgia her friend? How do you know?
C: What words tell you that Georgia is nervous without actually saying she is nervous?
Wednesday 15th January 2025
LC: To use active reading strategies to construct images.
Teacher model:
Your turn: read the extracts below about Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker, taken from James and the giant peach and use it to create images of James's aunts.
Grammar: Determiners
Determiners are a type of word that comes before a noun to introduce it and provide additional information about the quantity and proximity of the noun.
It helps give the reader or listener more context.
identifying a determiner powerpoint.pdf
Wednesday 15th January 2025
LC: To analyse vocabulary and language in non- chronological reports.
Your task: Read the text below and find and copy phrases that demonstrate:
1. Topic Specific vocabulary:
2. formal language:
3. rhetorical questions:
4. complex sentences with fronted adverbials for ‘when:
LC: To be able to divide 2-digit numbers with a remainder.
Wednesday 15th January 2025
LC: To understand the importance of maintaining good oral health.
0578 oral hygiene advice a guide for children young people and their parentscarers web version.pdf
Task: We will have a practice at brushing our teeth effectively.