R: Do bees work well in a team?
I: Why does the Queen Bee use the word nonsense?
C: Why do you think Anansi has trapped the bees in a barrel?
Tuesday 14th January 2025
LC: To use active reading strategies -to find answers.
- Comprehension – Demonstrating what you understand from reading the text.
Grammar: Improve: fronted adverbials for when.
Improve the sentences below.
Teacher model:
until the romans arrived in britain, there were no public baths.
After the Romans arrived in Britain they began building straight roads
Your turn:
before the Romans came celts did not live in towns
After burning down Colchester Boudicca and her tribe headed for Londinium.
When Boudicca and the Britons was defeated, the Romans controlled most of Britain for the next 350 years.
While the Romans was present in Britain, they introduced many new ideas and inventions.
Tuesday 14th January 2025
LC: To explain how paragraphs are used to build up ideas, and how these are linked.
What is the purpose of a paragraph?
Teacher model: We will be reading the paragraphs and giving each one a subheading. Remember to listen carefully so you can share your ideas.

Your task:
You have been given different paragraphs about a range of topics, your task is to identify the main idea of each paragraph.
LC: To be able to divide 3-digit numbers.
Tuesday 14th January 2025
LC: To learn about the significance of the fourth Pillar of Islam-Sawm.
Recap: How do Muslims use the pillars of Islam in their daily lives?
Shahadah: Declaration of faith.
Salah: Praying
Zakat: Giving charity
Sawm: Fasting in Ramadhan
Hajj: pilgrimage
Today, we are going to concentrate on one of the pillars. We are going to look at the fourth pillar -Sawm.
Answer in books: In your own words explain, what is Ramadhan and why is it an important time for Muslims?
t2 r 179 ramadan information powerpoint ver 14.pdf
The story told us about when the Qu'ran was first revealed to Muhammad.
Muslims regard this as the most important event in history, and the Qur'an says that this night is better than a thousand months (97:3), and that on this night the angels descend to earth.
This is a time that Muslims spend in study and prayer. Some will spend the whole night in prayer or in reciting the Qur'an.
Lailat al Qadr is a good time to ask for forgiveness.
t re 1643675932 laylat al qadr ks2 powerpoint ver 2.pdf
Answer in books: Why is the night of power special within Ramadhan and why is it important for Muslims ?
Homes and family
A family can be described as a group of people, living together, usually related to each other, who love one another.
How many live in their family.
- What do families like doing together? What are some of your favourite activities to do with your family?
Family life can often be very busy. Both parents may go out to work. Sometimes they have work to do in the evenings. Children belong to different clubs and parents have to get them there and collect them. And then there is homework! Sometimes we don’t have the time to do things together that we enjoy. - What is the importance of quality time with your family?
- Think about something you can do with your family in your home this week.
Time for reflection
Take a few minutes to think about your family. Think about something you have done together recently which you enjoyed.
Dear God,
Thank you for our families.
Thank you that they are special to us.
Thank you that in our families we have people who love us
and people whom we love.
Thank you for belonging.
Thank you for the happy times we have together.
Amen/ Ameen.