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Spot the Grammatical Errors

Each of these sentences contains a grammar mistake. Can you re-write each sentence so that it is grammatically correct? e.g. This homework is so easy; I can do them in five minutes! This homework is so easy; I can do it in five minutes!

1. She asked me where am I going.

2. Yesterday we go to the zoo but it is raining.

3. “Hello,” said the waiter, “Can I bring yourselves anything?”

4. We gave us a round of applause for our excellent performance!

5. There are fewer girls in our class then the boys.

6. Zebras always have black and white stripes, isn’t it? 

 Possessive apostrophe with singular proper nouns. 

What can you remember from year 2 and 3 learning about using an apostrophe for contractions? 


Apostrophes can be used for another reason: To show that something belongs to someone. 


Whose pencil is this? 


Whose pen is this? 


Whose chair is this? 


Whose desk is this? 


Now you have a go at writing these in your spelling journals and place the apostrophe correctly.




Thursday 16th January 2025

LC: To identify areas for research.

Purpose and Audience:

 Ribchester Museum (visit the website -  https://ribchestermuseum.org/ ) have asked our school to produce leaflets for other children to tell them all about Ancient Roman life. They have heard that our Year 4 classes have been learning all about this, so thought that we would be the best people to ask.




What would you like to include about Roman life in your leaflet? 

Task 2: we are now going to use our planning skeleton to research one section using some of the links below. 


Teacher model: How to write notes on Roman Children. 

Click on the links below where you can find out more and take notes for your report. 

Daily life in Roman Britain - BBC Bitesize

Children of Ancient Rome | Ancient Roman Kids


Roman schools/ What did Children learn? 

Children of Ancient Rome | Ancient Roman Kids

Roman Children - History for kids


LC: To be able to divide 3-digit numbers with renaming.


Thursday 16th January 2025

LC: To be able to explain the reasons why the Anglo-Saxons wanted to come to Britain.

Why did the Anglo-Saxons come to Britain?

To fight

The Anglo-Saxons arrived firstly as warriors employed by the Roman army and then, two generations later, as settlers, to farm the land.

To farm

Many Anglo-Saxons came peacefully, to find land to farm. Their homelands in Scandinavia often flooded so it was tough to grow enough food back there.

To make new homes

Whole families set sail across the sea in small boats to live in Britain. They brought tools, weapons and farm animals with them and built new villages.

They were invited

With Picts and Scots attacking from the north, the Britons invited some Anglo-Saxons to help defend them. But they didn’t leave! They took over.


Discuss which you think is the most important reason why Saxons came to Britain and never left.


In your books order the reasons why Saxons wanted to come to Britain. 






Now explain why you have place reason number 1 at the top. 


Teacher Model: 


I have placed the reason '....................................' as the most important reason as to why Saxons came to Britain and never left because .....................................................................................................


I think ...................................................................................... is the most important reason why the Saxon's never left Britain because ...........................................................