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Grammar: Fronted adverbials for When.



Compose sentences orally then in writing.


Teacher model: 


After                                                                                                                 .



Now its your turn: 











Monday 13th January 2025

LC: To analyse and evaluate how specific information is organised in a non-chronological report.

Report Writing needs: 



Teacher model: 


We will now box up a non-chronological report and label each part with the following:


heading, text boxes, sub-headings, contents, bullet points, glossary, diagrams, first paragraph that tells us what the report is about information organised in paragraphs, closing sentence that rounds off the report .


t e 2549520 lks2 british science week differentiated reading comp.pdf

 In groups: Working together look at the non-chronological reports on your table, which features can you spot. You can annotate on the sheets. 

t e 25 1.pdf


t e 2551260 lks2 remembrance day differentiated reading comprehension activity.pdf

Your turn: 


You will now box up a non-chronological report and label each part with the following:


heading, text boxes, sub-headings, contents, bullet points, glossary, diagrams, first paragraph that tells us what the report is about information organised in paragraphs, closing sentence that rounds off the report .

Group 1: 

the romans middle ability.pdf


Group 2:

the romans lower ability.pdf






The day is finally here. I’ve been practising my lines for weeks now and I’m pretty sure they’re stuck in my head. I’ve gone over my cues and my stage directions over and over again in the backyard, the biggest space we have, even in the pouring rain. My Grandma is tired of hearing me speaking in old-fashioned phrases, like a real-life Shakespearean actor. “Passeth one the tomato sauce, dearest grandmother.” “Please stop, Sameera,” she sighs every time, but I can see her smile too.


Now it’s Thursday morning, the day of our first ever performance. I can feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach as I get ready for school as usual, but I know that a little bit of nerves is good. Nothing can go wrong today.


R: In what type of weather has she been practicing in?


I: What do you think she is practicing for?


C: What does dearest grandmother mean?


Monday 13th January 2025

LC: To generate questions to aid understanding. 

Teacher model: 


The day is finally here. I’ve been practising my lines for weeks now and I’m pretty sure they’re stuck in my head. I’ve gone over my cues and my stage directions over and over again in the backyard, the biggest space we have, even in the pouring rain.


My Grandma is tired of hearing me speaking in old-fashioned phrases, like a real-life Shakespearean actor. “Passeth one the tomato sauce, dearest grandmother.” “Please stop, Sameera,” she sighs every time, but I can see her smile too. Now it’s Thursday morning, the day of our first ever performance. I can feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach as I get ready for school as usual, but I know that a little bit of nerves is good. Nothing can go wrong today


Ask questions to yourself about what you have just read. For example:







Your turn: Read the text below and write down the questions that come to mind that will help you understand the text below. 

Complete in your Early morning work books. 

Teacher model: 

Strategies for learning words. 


Use pyramid words  to practice learning the words below. 

Card 2: 

















LC: To be able to divide 2-digit numbers.