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R: What is the spider called?


I: Why did everyone think Tiger was amazing? 


C: What type of animal is a python? 


Wednesday 8th December 2025

LC: To make predictions from details implied.

Teacher model: 



Your turn: read the text below, and make a prediction on what will happen next from the details implied. 


I predict                                                                                                                            


because from the text it implies                                                                                                                            .

I predict                                                                                                                            


because from the text it implies                                                                                                                           .




Innovate new sentences using the pictures as inspiration for your sentences. Write these in your book under your date and LC. Remember to use the Success criteria which can be found on the English learning wall. 


Grammar: Fronted adverbials for when. 










Wednesday 8th January 2024

LC: To navigate texts to locate and retrieve information.

We will be looking at the Romans and producing a Non Chronological report on them. 


Teacher model: Together we will be doing some close reading.


Health and medicine:


What have we found out from our close reading?

Your turn: Using close reading find facts and write them on post it notes with headings. 


 Pages 1-12

eng193 talk three romans resource book print prior to session.pdf



LC- To multiply 3 digits with renaming.

Complete worksheet 10 pages 129 and 130


Wednesday 8th January 2025