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Tuesday 7th January 2025

Happy New Year.

   Quiz on the books you read over the holiday and change them. 



Despite the things they had in common, the two friends had very different appearances. Benji, with his dark, frizzy hair and skin the colour of caramel, was the shorter of the pair. Freya stood a few inches taller, with fiery red hair and freckles scattered across her nose and cheeks.


Their families had been friends for years before Freya and Benji were born, and they had grown up around each other. “Don’t be so ridiculous!

”Freya scoffed dismissively when Benji told her about his theory while walking home that afternoon. “Just think about it for a moment,” he beseeched her. “Wouldn’t it be amazing? Our teachers could actually be superheroes! Like some secret crime-fighting duo or something! One of them is always dashing off here or there at lunchtimes or whenever they’re not teaching us.”


R: Who was walking home together?

I: Why does Freya scoff at Benji's theory? 

C: What do you think the word beseeched means, use the context of the word to help you. 

Tuesday 7th January 2025

LC: To make predictions from evidence stated. 


Your turn: Read the text below and have a go at the questions below. 





Immerse: Fronted adverbials for when. 

LC: Explore complex sentences with fronted adverbials for when.



Until the Romans arrived in Britain, there were no public baths.


After the Romans arrived in Britain, they began building straight roads.


Before the Romans came, Celts did not live in towns.


After burning down Colchester, Boudicca and her tribe headed for Londinium.


When Boudicca and the Britons were defeated, the Romans controlled most of Britain for the next 350 years.


While the Romans were present in Britain, they introduced many new ideas and inventions.

Tuesday 7th January 2025

LC: To generate questions. 

Watch the video as a class:

What aspects of Roman life did you identify from the clip e.g. living in a villa rather than a house.


What questions come to mind whilst watching the video?


‘What did the Romans eat?’


‘What was a Roman Villa like?


We will be creating a QUAD grid for our learning wall with answer and details collected from the clip.


Now lets watch some more clips to identify different aspects of Roman life and come up with some more quality questions. 



LC- Multiply 3 digit numbers without renaming.

Complete worksheet 9 pages 127 and 128.



Tuesday 7th January 2025

LC- To understand the idea of commitment in the Muslim faith. 


   What does the word, commitment mean? 




   Now, in groups, discuss the following 4 questions. Each person needs to gave a chance to share.

Be ready to share with the class.

   People who belong to a religious faith show their commitment to it. 


  How do Muslims show their commitment?   What do we already know?

Click the image to find out about the 5 Pillars of Islam. 



  In your books, complete the 5 Pillars picture with the correct words and underneath write what each of the pillars means.  Include why these are important for Muslims.

Try to include the word, commitment.