Fill in the missing words.
Look, Cover and Write. (Complete this in your Spelling journals)
Thursday 19th December
LC- To understand the impact of the Roman empire on Britain.
We have learned a lot about the Roman empire and how it expanded, the Punic wars and how the Romans settled in Britain.
The Romans were in Britain for around 400 years, starting in AD 43 when Emperor Claudius invaded successfully (Caesar didn't manage it).
But why did they leave Britain after all this time?
Together, we will go through the lesson on Oak academy as this tells us clearly what we need to know.
The Roman Emperor Honorius sent a goodbye letter to the people of Britain.
He wrote: “fight bravely and defend your are on your own now”.
Why did Emperor Diocletian split the Roman Empire into two?
Emperor Diocletian split the Empire into two because .
Who ruled over the Eastern Roman Empire?
The Eastern Roman Empire was ruled by: .
Who ruled over the Western Roman Empire?
The Western Roman Empire was ruled by .
Why did the Roman soldiers leave Britain?
The Roman Soldiers left Britain because .
Why did the Roman empire collapse?
- The Empire became too big, there wasn't enough money to manage it.
- The main religion became Christianity and Christians refused to call the Emperor a God.
- Rome was attacked by different tribes (The Barbarians).
- The Eastern Roman Empire was having lots of battles and lots of Roman soldiers lost their lives.
- They didn't have enough enslaved people to keep the society functioning and do the work The Romans didn't want to do.
- The Huns invaded Europe and the Europeans, especially Germans went into Roman territories, The Romans were not nice to the Germanic people, who then revolted against The Romans.
Which reason do you think is the most important reason for the collapse of the Roman empire remember to give a reason.
The most important reason for the collapse of the Roman empire was .
I think this because .

Below are some pictures with information. All are about things that the Romans brought to Britain. Read each fact sheet and discuss with the people around you. Which do you think are the most important? Choose your top 3! It's not easy.

Now in your books, write your top 3 choices and explain why you have chosen them.
I think these are the most important things the Romans left us because---
LC- Round to the nearest 10.