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Wednesday 11th December 2024

LC: To generate questions and retrieve answers. 


Look at the picture below. 

Write down five questions you have about the picture. 

Now use the information below to find answers to your questions. 

hadrians wall powerpoint.pdf



Wednesday 11th December 2024

LC: To write a fairy story based on a plot pattern- Independent write. 

Using your plan write a story based on Rumaysa. Remember to use all the skills you have been learning. 


LC: To multiply 2 digit numbers without renaming. 

Using method 1 or 2 work out the answers to the following questions. Remember to set it out correctly (place value) in your yellow jotters. 


1. 14x2= 

2. 21x3= 

3. 32x3=

4. 22x4= 

5. 33x4=

6. 23x3= 

7. 41x2=

8. 13x3=

Wednesday 11th December 2024

LC: To understand how to seek support when being excluded.  


What does it mean to be excluded? 


Tell me about a time when you felt excluded.


How can you help someone when you see them feeling left out or excluded?


I Feel left out!

Who Can I Turn To?

Many people feel excluded or left out at points in their lives. Sometimes, you can be around a lot of people and still feel left out . Felling left out and feeling lonely will feel different to us all. When you feel excluded, it is important that you reach out and speak to somebody that you trust. This activity will encourage you to think about your support network and who you can turn to if you feel left out.

My Trusted People In each box, draw a picture and write the name of somebody you trust. Write a sentence next to each person to share why you feel you can turn to them if you feel excluded.