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Upleveling sentences. 

Charlotte's adventure. 


Come up with some adjectives and nouns to describe both Charlotte and the setting.


Use your amazing adjectives or nouns to create expanded noun phrases:

A..........................................................................girl jumped  in a................................................................................................................................................................ field.


Now use a subordinating conjunction to give reasons for why she jumped. 


(after, although, as, because, before, if, since, until, when,  while)


You can make it as interesting as you can. Use you imagination. Remember to check your sentence makes sense and you have used the correct punctuation. 


This is my example: 

With great joy, an energetic and spirited young girl jumped in a beautiful, grassy field after hearing that she and her family were going on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday

 Monday 9th December 2024

LC: To innovate a new character-the villain. 

We will be looking at some villains from well known stories and using these to inspire our very own villain in our independent plot of Rumaysa. You can also use some inspiration from the character, Cordelia the witch. 

Task: write a short character description of your new villain. 


By the time she was three, Matilda had taught herself to read by studying newspapers and magazines that lay around the house. At the age of four, she could read fast and well and she naturally began hankering after books. The only book in the whole of this enlightened household was something called Easy Cooking belonging to her mother, and when she had read this from cover to cover and had learnt all the recipes by heart, she decided she wanted something more interesting.


‘Daddy,’ she said, ‘do you think you could buy me a book?’


‘A BOOK?’ he said. ‘What d’you want a flaming book for?’

‘To read, Daddy.’


‘What’s wrong with the telly, for heaven’s sake? We’ve got a lovely telly with a twelve-inch screen and now you come asking for a book! You’re getting spoiled, my girl!’


R: What does Matilda ask her daddy to buy her? 

I: Do you think Matilda's dad likes reading? Why?

C: What does the word hankering mean in context of the sentence?



Monday 9th December 2024

LC: To retrieve key information- Roman entertainment.


Leisure: use of free time for enjoyment.


Task: Using the fact file about Roman entertainment, retrieve key information from each section and write these down in notes.


Teacher model:


Roman Baths: 


How did the Romans use it as a form of leisure?



Interesting fact/facts about Roman Baths. 


Your turn: 


Chariot Racing: 

How did the Romans use it as a form of leisure?



Interesting fact/facts about Chariot Racing. 




How did the Romans use it as a form of leisure?



Interesting fact/facts about Banquets:




How did the Romans use it as a form of leisure?



Interesting fact/facts about Gladiators:


Toys and Games:


How did the Romans use it as a form of leisure?



Interesting fact/facts about Toys and Games:


The Theatre:


How did the Romans use it as a form of leisure?



Interesting fact/facts about The Theatre 


Other Roman Pastimes: 


What were they?




LC- To multiply multiples of 10.