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Monday 2nd December 2024

LC: To use inverted commas punctuated correctly.

Grammar: Improve these sentences. 



In the blink of an eye.


When the witch appeared, she had arrived.


As soon as Zabina left Rumaysa.


Chunk 3: Cordelia's demands. 


First lines drama: In pairs innovate the conversation between Rumaysa and Cordelia. 


"You must spin all the straw into gold in four days!" screamed Cordelia before she jumped on her broom and flew out of the window. 


Example from text: 


“Asleep,” Cordelia repeated, “the whole day?” Her voice was raising, “For what? Why could you possibly be so tired? Lazy child!” Rumaysa didn’t reply; her hands were trembling as she tried and failed to wrap the straw through the spindle. Cordelia looked around the room, her eyes zeroing in on the books by the bed. “Up reading late, were you?” she sneered. “I don’t mind you having some fun Rumaysa, but not when it interferes with my work! I clothe you and feed you and keep you safe, and all I ask in return is you make gold on time!” Rumaysa didn’t dare speak. Her stomach twisted with nerves and anger. “But no – apparently I am asking for too much!” Cordelia spat. “I’m sorry, Cordelia!” Rumaysa said, trying to keep her tone even.


Task: Write the conversation between Cordelia and Rumaysa. 



R- Complete the sentence,

 His heart was pounding like -------------.

I- What is Tim doing?

C- If you could write a different title, what would it be?




Monday 2nd December 2024

LC- To recognise some different forms of poetry.


Shape poems. Calligram is another word for shape poem.

Go though Powerpoint.

Your turn.

Write a poem about the snow. You can maybe use the ideas below to give you a starting point. Think about the rhymes. 




LC- To multiple by zero and one.