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Thursday 28th November 2024

LC: To use noun phrases and nouns for precision. 

Modelled write- Chunk 2 

Grammar: Invent 



Zabina the majestic owl. 


Zabina the owl has big blue eyes to hunt for prey and fruits for Rumaysa, 


Her talons are as sharp as knives to hunt and kill her prey, 


Her feathers are ruby red and look like they are on fire, 


Her beak is hooked like a hanger and it sits perfectly in the middle of her heart shaped face, 


Her unique hooting lets Rumaysa know her dear friend has arrived. 

Modelled write.


Using the poem we will be writing a paragraph. We will be using the prompts below. 


Zabina turned/rotated/spun her head around – just the same as every day in Splinterfell…


She sighed as she looked on at Rumaysa in the tall tower. Zabina cared deeply for her friend and hoped someday soon she would be free and that she could find a way to help.


Zabina was a .. owl with … eyes that could see for … Feathers like… and talons which gripped… Her beak…


She could fly like… swooping and … Zabina protected Rumaysa fiercely and would do anything to keep her safe.





Today, we will be completing review number 2 on pages 64 and 65.




Thursday 28th November 2024

LC: To use a thermometer to observe three different states of water. 


t2 s 234 changing states powerpoint text.pdf


In today's lesson we will be conducting an investigation which will answer these questions:


1. What are the different states of water?

2. At what temperature does water change states in degrees Celsius? 

3. How can we use a thermometer to measure when water has changed states? 

Task: Now write up what you found out from investigating the changing states of water. 


Keywords: liquid, gas, solid, water vapour, freeze, melt, boil, 0 degrees Celsius, 100 degrees Celsius.


I investigated the changing states of water I found out                      

primary picture news resource england 25th november earthshot prize.pdf