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R- How long ago was the house last 

lived in?

I- How do you think the family would feel if they could see their house now?

C - What does, 'infested with sadness' mean?


Tuesday 19th November 2024

LC: To analyse how specific information is organised within a non-fiction text

What non-fiction features can you identify from the texts below?



Your turn

Now we have talked about the features, answer the following questions.

1. What can be found on page 22 of the text?

2. On what page would you find information in Hadrian's wall?

3. If you wanted to find out about what the Romans believed in, what page would you look at?

4. What is the purpose of the paragraph called, 'How much further?'

5. Why did the author choose to put a drawing as part of the  information page?


Tuesday 19th November 2024

LC: To justify responses to the text using point and evidence, letter in role-Independent write. 



Improve: Below are a selection of sentences where the nouns could be more precise to add effect. 


Teacher model: 


The girl, startled by the appearance of the witch, began desperately to thread the dried grass through the machine.

Leaning out of the building, the girl unfolded the material and let it hang down until it touched the bottom.

From the top of the tree, the bird swooped into the opening of the building opposite.


Your turn: 


The man reached the water’s edge and watched as the boat sailed away.

The _____ reached the water’s edge and watched as the _____ sailed away.

The _____ reached the water’s edge and watched as the _____ sailed away.


Peering out of its cage, the animal opened its mouth and made a sound.

Peering out of its cage, ____________ opened its mouth and _______________.

Peering out of its cage, ____________ opened its mouth and _______________.



You will be completing a independent writing task in response to Rumaysa’s letter where an anonymous source writes back!

Whole class brainstorm: Thinking back to the characters we explored in the creating interest phase what fairy tale heroes do we know about? 

In table groups, discuss and explore who might write back and what they might say in response to my model from yesterday. Remember to listen to each other as someone will be chosen at random to share what your group has been discussing. 


Task in books:  Write a letter responses in role as a chosen character to help Rumaysa.


Tuesday 19th November 2024

LC: To make links on how modern Christians can use the teachings of the parables in the 21st century. 

Moral of the Parable

Whose behaviour was right?

Explain your answer. 

Whose behaviour was wrong? 


Explain your answer. 

How can modern day Christians apply it to their lives?

Different Scenarios.

The Good Samaritan:



The Sower:



The unforgiving Servant: 



 Now we will have a go at acting out some of the morals of the parables and applying them to different scenarios that Christians today might use the moral of the parable in their daily lives.

For example: 'The Sower' If I study hard I can get the job, house or car I want in the future. Must I must be prepared that I may fail, fail and fail again before getting what I studied hard for. 

Having Courage

Florence Nightingale showed courage in how she faced opposition


LC:To explore the idea of courage, even when things get difficult.


Have you ever tried arm-wrestling. It is a game where two people use every ounce of strength to push their opponent’s arm in the opposite direction.

2 volunteers needed: You must grasp your opponent’s hand firmly and place your elbow's on the table. When I say go you must try to push your opponent’s hand to the table.

Questions for the arm wrestlers: How much strength did you need? Did you feel like at one point you will lose? win? 

If I were to arm wrestle with a one of you would it be fair? Who do you think will win? Would it be possible for a child to be an adult?  Why or why not?

Today, we are going to listen to the story of a young woman who experienced strong opposition. She wasn’t an arm-wrestler, but she did have to stand against people who wanted her to go in a different direction. The lady’s name was Florence. She was an extremely clever young woman. In her time, there were no A level exams or Highers, but if there had been, she would have got A grades in Maths, English, Latin, Greek, German, French, Italian and History. That is clever!

The Story of Florence Nightingale

Florence was from a wealthy family. They owned two enormous homes, had servants and went on exotic holidays overseas, so money was never a problem for her. However, Florence knew that most people didn’t live like her. Many people were extremely poor. At the age of 24, Florence finally knew what she wanted to do with her life. She wanted to become a nurse and care for the sick. Nursing is a very worthwhile career.

Do any of you want to be a nurse or doctor when they grow up.

Do any of you have family members who work in hospitals?

However, there was a problem with Florence’s plan. Her parents were horrified. In fact, her mother was ashamed of her wanting to do something that she thought was so dirty and below her status in society. It was hard for Florence to stick to her plan, but she felt that God wanted her to be a nurse and care for the sick.

Florence’s mother put a lot of pressure on her to get married instead of becoming a nurse. In fact, Florence’s mother and sister were so angry that they stopped speaking to her.

How do you think Florence would have felt?

It is right to honour and respect our parents, but when we grow up, we may have to face difficult choices that call for courage. People may not agree with us and we may have to face opposition.

We are really fortunate we have the NHS, with clean hospitals and free treatment from highly qualified doctors and nurses. In 1844, when Florence decided to become a nurse, hospitals were dark, dirty, smelly and poorly run. Perhaps we can understand Florence’s mother’s point of view a bit better now!

Florence pursued her dream and became a nurse and then a matron in a London hospital. She was very good at her job.

When the Crimean War broke out in Turkey, there were thousands of wounded soldiers dying in terrible conditions far from home. Florence wanted to help. Again, she faced opposition. Women were definitely not accepted as nurses in war zones! She had to fight long and hard to have this rule changed before she was finally allowed to go and take other nurses with her. She became known as the ‘lady with the lamp’.

You can find out how Florence got this nickname.

After the end of the Crimean War, Florence became an advocate for improved sanitation in British military hospitals and she also established nursing colleges to train professional nurses.
We have Florence Nightingale to thank for all the trained nurses who care for us today.
The image shows Florence nursing in Turkey.

Time for reflection

It was not easy for Florence to do what she felt was right. People were against her.

Sometimes, it wont be easy for us to do what we know is right. People will be against us.

Florence found that God gave her courage. People find courage in different places. Some turn to family and friends. Some search within themselves. Some people turn to God. Christians believe that God can always give them courage, whether for big or small things.

Dear God,
We thank you for the life of Florence Nightingale.
We thank you for her courage and perseverance in fighting for what she knew to be right and good.
Please also give us courage to do what is right and good.