Thursday 21st November 2024
LC: To discuss and record ideas for planning- chunk a plot.
Fronted adverbials for when.
The next evening, Samar returned home again having had no luck in finding work.
When the witch spoke next, her voice was softer.
Before the sun had even risen the next morning, Rumaysa was already up.

Task 1: In your table groups work together to order the first column of the chunk a plot as quickly as you can.
Task 2: We will be using the modified plot for planning and writing our story. The outcome of our modelled write will be a retelling of the story via Zabina’s point of view in 3rd person.
Task 3: We will be looking at chunk 1.
Let's re-read the whoosh prologue as we will be writing this from Zabina's point of view.
Thursday 21st November 2024
How do some materials change state when heated or cooled?
We have already talked about states of matter and we know that some things (but not all) can change state.
Water is a liquid but we know if we freeze water it turns into a solid, (ice) but if we boil water then it turns into a gas (steam or water vapour).
Today, you are going to work in groups in the kitchen and watch what happens when chocolate is warmed up. We want you to watch and explain what you see.
BUT--- what can we do with this chocolate? We don't want to waste it.
You MUST follow all instructions carefully.
When we are cooking, we need to keep safe (remember our lessons on hazards!)
You will also use Maths when measuring.
Have fun.
- 100 g chocolate
- 50 g butter
- 2 tbsp golden syrup
- 90 g Cornflakes
In a large saucepan, gently melt the chocolate and butter (these are both solids -what happens when they are warmed gently. Add the golden syrup and mix together.
Stir through a large handful of cornflakes, being sure to coat them all.
Add in more cornflakes, one handful at a time, until there's no more chocolate in the bottom of the pan.
Keep stirring until there are no yellow flakes left on show.
Stand 12 paper cupcake cases on a tray or in a cupcake tray.
Spoon the chocolate coated cornflakes evenly between the cases.
Then place the whole tray into the fridge until set.
(What happens to the chocolate when it is cooled?)
If there are 12 cakes and you are working in groups of 4. How many will you get each?