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Full Stops and Capital Letters


• Sentences start with a capital letter

• Sentences end with full stop

• Names start with a capital letter

Read these sentences.

Write each one yourself with a full stop and capital letters in the right place.

1. mark and carl got wet in the rain

2. the man gets up at six in the morning

3. jill has fair hair but jack has dark hair

4. jim has six big coins

5. i can hear an owl hoot at night

6. nan is sitting on the chair

7. bow down to the king and queen

Monday 18th November 2024

LC: To justify responses to a text using point and evidence- modelled letter in role. 



Nouns for precision.

Oral Practice Consider the impact of the nouns in these sentences.


The man walked into the building with the dog.

The policeman walked into the school with the poodle.

The policeman walked into the school with the alsatian.


The lady smiled as she was handed the bunch of flowers.

The princess smiled as she was handed the bunch of roses.

The Princess of Wales smiled as she was handed the daisies.

Your turn: 


The car headed down the road.

The ____ headed down the _____.

The ____ headed down the _____.


The man left the building in a hurry.

The ______ left the ______ in a hurry.

The ______ left the ______ in a hurry.


Teacher Model: 


Purpose: Write a letter in role as Rumaysa as a cry for help. 

Audience: anyone who receives the letter! (ask Zabina to take it)


We will be using our innovated song to inspire our letter. 


Let me go, let me go

I am here in the tower and trapped so tight

Help me go, help me go

Please someone come and save me

Set me free, set me free

I know there is somewhere out there for me

Help me please, help me please

This is my last chance

This gold never bothered me anyway


Dear                                                             ,

I am stuck in a tower and have been for several years.

I need to be rescued because                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Please can someone help me to be free of the menacing witch.


Task in books: Using the teacher model as a guide write a letter in role as Rumaysa as a cry for help. Remember you must make points which can be backed up (evidence in the story) by the story so far. 

Monday 18th November 2024

LC-   To draw inferences around a characters thoughts and feelings and justify with evidence from the text. 


 Work through Powerpoint.


Your turn - What is Luca thinking and feeling?

 Luca wasn’t at all sure that they should be leaving the park swings, where they had been allowed to hang out without their parents since both recently celebrating their eleventh birthdays in the same week. He was even less sure that he wanted to be venturing towards ‘The Top End’, as everyone called that part of the park grounds. He spun round to look behind him. The monkey bars were now way out of sight and the watery evening sun above was being muscled out of position by ever-darkening shades of grey, layering over each other in the sky like a collage.

“Maybe it’s getting too late for today. We could go another day,” Luca suggested hopefully. He looked down towards his watch. Scowling at the time – 10:31 – he shook his wrist vigorously. Clearly, the watch wasn’t working, as it was only just beginning to go dark. He was going to need a new excuse. “Why don’t we come back tomorrow, when it’s lighter? I think it’s going to rain, from the look of those clouds, and Dad’s making bolognese for tea. We don’t want to miss that!”


Your turn- What is Alice thinking and feeling?

Alice watched numbly. Her heart was in her mouth and her breath came in sharp, rattling gasps.

Descending the stairs one careful, agonising, creaking step at a time, a hunched silhouette shuffled out from the darkness. A small, extremely old man was moving slowly but purposefully towards Alice. His head was bowed, showing a white, bald circle surrounded by wisps of light grey hair.

“Help!” Alice tried to scream again, but nothing could be heard except for a strangled silence. With no voice but the one inside her own head, she begged the stranger to notice her and set her free...

What does the word 'inverse' mean?

If the inverse of addition is subtraction, what would the inverse of multiplication be?