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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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Thursday 14th November 2024

LC: To participate in a range of drama approaches.



Task: Using the first lines drama technique, develop a conversation between Zabina and Rumaysa on how they plan to escape the tower without being seen.


Rumaysa: I'm so excited to finally escape...


I don't even feel tired Zabina...


What will be waiting for me out there...


Zabina: We must be careful...


Rumaysa: I have nearly finished the scarf...


We need to get you out of here...


Use these conversations to record dialogue between Zabina and Rumaysa in your books.


LC: To multiply by 12. 

Thursday 14th November 2024

LC: To understand that materials change state when heated and cooled.

  • Solids, liquids and gases change state when they are heated or cooled
  • Processes such as evaporation and boiling change the state of substances
  • A particle model can be used to show how solids, liquids and gases change state



Task: I will like you to think about and explain how making a chocolate crispycake will require you to use both melting and freezing points. 

The ingredients you will be provided with will be chocolate, golden syrup and cornflakes. 

Remember you must use your learning from today to explain how you will be making your crispy cakes and what happens to the particles in your solids to change the state into a liquid and what happens to you liquid (melted chocolate) to turn it back into a solid when it is frozen. 

You can draw diagrams which show what happens as your particles vibrate and energise with kinetic energy. 

Next week, we will be using our learning of the changing state of chocolate when heated or cooled to make our own chocolate crispy cakes and observing the changing states of matter.



When adults are making decisions that affect children they should ask them what they think.

Adults should take account of children’s views when making the decision.

Children should be supported to give their views in a way that is best for them.

One of the things the UNCRC does is to make it clear that human rights apply to children and young people as much they do to adults.

Children and young people don’t have as much power as adults. They can’t vote, and they don’t have as much money. But Article 12 says they still have the human right to have opinions and for these opinions to be heard and taken seriously.

 In the Colour Monster book we have been reading, Nuna says yes to something that she didn't want to do and this makes her have a strange feeling. Dr Colour Monster gives her some ideas on how to feel better  and a No syrup to help her say no next time. 

In your talk partners discuss why Nuna might of said yes to something she didn't want to do. 

Now in your groups, discuss what advice you would give Nuna next time she wants to say no to something she doesn't want to do. Write these down and we can put them in our class PSHCE floor book so the next time we want to say no we have some ideas we can practice. 

Think about polite ways of saying no and what explanation you may give to someone close to you when you need to say no.