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Friday 15th November 2024

LC-To select and organise information to explain how an event from the past has shaped our life today- Roman roads. 

We will be watching a video, make sure you listen carefully. 

The video has given us a very brief introduction to life for the Romans.  It talked about:

  • Roman roads
  • Roman towns
  • Homes
  • Roman food
  • Roman beliefs
  • Entertainment


   Together , we are going to find out a little bit more about each of these and eventually produce a presentation on Keynotes. Firstly though, we are going to collect information from different sources to gather as  much knowledge as we can.

  Roman roads


   Watch the second video and then I will go through some more information with you.

Write some bullet points about Roman Roads(What can you remember from the videos). 

 The Romans built straight and very well built roads with drainage. They were so well made that many are still seen today and even our modern roads and motorways have been built in the same places. 

 The Romans built the first roads in Britain. They built over 9,000 kilometres of roads. The roads were so well built that you can still see some of them today, 2000 years after they were first built!

Many of our modern day roads are in the same place as Roman ones. You can tell if it is Roman road because it will be straight.

Why did the Romans build roads?

It was important for the Roman army to be able to move soldiers and all their baggage around the country.

Why did the Romans build straight roads?

They built roads as straight as possible, in order to travel as quickly as they could. Winding roads took longer to get to the place you wanted to go and bandits and robbers could be hiding around bends.

How did people in Roman times travel around?

People would either ride on horseback, drive carts pulled by oxen, or walk.

Why were the roads built on a slant?

Roman roads sloped down from the middle to ditches on either side to allow the rain to drain away and not make the road too muddy.


 Now using all of the information you have read about and found out, write at least one paragraph about Roman roads and try to explain why they were important for the Romans.