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 Friday 1st November 2024

LC- To understand how the Roman empire expanded into Britain.

 Before the holiday, we learnt about how Julius Caesar tried to invade Britain twice but never succeeded.

 What happened next?



 After Julius Caesar's attempts at invasion the Britons were left in peace...until AD43.



Don't forget that Caesar had been killed so other leaders had to take over. Eventually, the Romans decided they needed just one person to be in full control. They decided they needed an emperor.  Can you remember what this means?

  The first emperor was a man called Claudius.



   So Claudius was successful. Britain was now a part of the Roman empire.

 The Celts had to decide whether to live in peace with the Romans or fight them. What would you do?


   Go back to BBC bitesize and continue to read and watch the videos. 

    The Romans had now proved they were very strong and many Celts tribes decided to try to live in peace with them. The Romans were definitely in charge of southern Britain. 


   Summarise what you have learnt this lesson. You don't have to write lots but you do need to include the most important pieces of information about how the Romans took over Britain. Write in full sentences and proof read as you go along.