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LC: To be able to subtract pounds and pence with renaming.



Tuesday 11th March 2025

LC: To write the final paragraph of a narrative that includes powerful verbs.

Today we are writing the final paragraph of our shared write. Make sure to include powerful verbs!



Star Reader Assessment





Tuesday 11th March 2025

LC: To identify the main achievements during the Iron Age.

Talk Partners

What are the four main achievements in the Bronze Age?

Did the Iron Age happen before or after the Bronze Age?


Today we are going to learn about the main achievements in the Iron Age. 

Key Vocabulary

tribe - a social group made up of many families, clans, or generations that share the same language, customs, and beliefs.

settlement - a place where people live and sometimes work.


Watch the below video carefully.


What happened with the tribes?

What did they discover?

Where did they find iron?

What do you have to do to change the shape of iron?


Around 800 BC people in Britain learned how to use iron. This discovery had a dramatic impact on everyday life. Iron tools made farming much easier than before and settlements grew in size.

People in Iron Age Britain lived in clans that belonged to tribes led by warrior kings. Rival tribes fought with deadly iron weapons. 

Iron Age Weapons

Activity 1

Read the definitions you have on your table and stick them next to the correct weapon.

Activity 2

What started to happen in the Iron Age? (think about the beginning of the video clip)

In the Iron Age tribes started to...


What did they use to make tools and weapons?

Why did they use it?

Where did they find it?

Could they change the shape of it? How?

What weapons did they make?

People in the Iron Age used...