R - What colour is Aunty Bindi's face turning?
I - How is Aunty Bindi feeling? Find evidence in the text.
C - Why has the author chosen to write the word 'red' in capital letters?
Wednesday 12th February 2025
LC: To draw inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings.
Authors use a character's actions to help readers understand the feelings of that character.
We are going to watch a video clip. The title is 'The Present', what do you predict the clip with feature?
I am going to stop and start the clip. When I stop the clip you are going to answer the questions in your book.
1 minute
What do you think the boy feels about his present and why?
The boy feels...
1 minute 8 seconds
What does the boy feel now and why?
The boy now feels...
2 minutes 12 seconds
What does the boy feel now and why?
The boy now feels...
Think about how the boy’s feelings about the puppy changed during the film.
Did the puppy’s feelings towards the boy change?
Mid Year Revision - Section A Q1–10 (pages 217 - 220)
Wednesday 12th February 2025
LC: Write complex sentences using the conjunction, although.
Although Tammy was tired, she continued to study.
I quickly ate the sandwich although it tasted like rotten eggs.
Although my family drives me crazy, I couldn't live without them.
Think of four sentences with the conjunction 'although' and write them in your book.
Wednesday 12th February 2025
LC: Explain the meaning of unfamiliar words by using the context.
As we read the text, let's take note of any unfamiliar words.
Using the context of the sentence, can we suggest the meanings of the words?
In groups of five you are going to write adjectives to describe different parts of the Iron Mans body. Write your adjectives on your sticky notes.
Your notes will be added to the Iron Man on the learning wall!

Finally, let's write the definitions of the unfamiliar words and add to our learning wall.
Where could I look for the definitions?