Tuesday 11th February 2025
LC: To read a playscript aloud with tone, volume and intonation.
Today we are going to perform our playscript.
First, you will have time to practise and then you will perform to the rest of the class.
What do we need to remember when performing?
Revision 2 - pages 211 - 216.
Tuesday 11th February 2025
LC: To identify the importance of magnets in everyday life.
Complete your assessment sheet and stick it in your books!
Think, pair, share
What have we learnt about magnets this term?
We use magnets every day. Below are some examples.
Fridge doors
Magnets in the seal around fridge doors hold them tightly closed.
Fridge magnets
We can stick magnets to fridge and other magnetic surfaces. They can be used to hold up shopping lists, Christmas cards, child art or reminders. They can also be used for decoration.
Toy trains
Some toy trains use magnets to attach carriages.
Magnets are also a great way to separate different metals. This is because some of the metals will stick to the magnet and some won't. This means they can use magnets when splitting up materials and use this to recycle things faster!
Some pieces of jewellery have magnetic clasps to clip the ends together around your neck or arm. There are also magnetic earrings for people who don't have their ears pierced.
Create a poster about the importance of magnets. Choose three examples, sketch them and label.
Banner: Magents in Everyday Life
Tuesday 11th February 2025
LC: Compose complex sentences using the conjunction, although.
'Although' links two contrasting ideas or shows that one fact makes the other fact surprising. They can be used at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence.
Although it was raining, the children did daily PE.
The children did daily PE, although it was raining.
Although he had studied hard, he didn't pass the exam.
We're still very good friends although we rarely see each other.
Think of some complex sentence with the conjunction 'although' and write them on your whiteboards.
Once you have done this, share them with the class and they can be displayed on the learning wall.
Tuesday 11th February 2025
LC: Raise questions during the reading process to deepen understanding.
'Taller than a house, the Iron Man stood at the top of the cliff, on the very brink, in the darkness. The wind sang through his iron fingers. His great iron head, shaped like a dustbin but as big as a bedroom, slowly turned to the right, slowly turned to the left. His iron ears turned, this way, that way. He was hearing the sea. His eyes, like headlamps, glowed white, then red, then infra-red, searching the sea. Never before had the Iron Man seen the sea.'
Let's discuss some interesting words and phrases and then add them to our learning wall.
Whole Class Discussion
I wonder if ...
I think that ...
I would like to know ...
I think his character is ...
In small groups, think of some questions about the paragraph.
What do we already know?
What do we want to know?
Now write at least three questions in your books.