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Friday 14th February 2025

LC: To identify a job we might like to do when we are older.

When you get older, you will need a job. There are a lot of different jobs you could do. The best jobs are ones where you get to do something you already like to do.

Let's discover what you like to do now and how that might help you decide what you want to do when you grow up.

Activity 1

Complete 'things I like to do' activity on Seesaw.

Astronaut Actor Cleaner Artist Athlete Chef
Nurse Sailor Firefighter Teacher Vet



Pilot Musician Soldier Police Architect Detective
Scientist Writer Engineer Accountant Carpenter Electrician
Plumber Fashion designer Journalist Florist Painter Pharmacist
Photographer Doctor Dentist Farmer Lawyer Nanny
Dancer Politician Gardener Electrician Builder Police Officer

Activity 2




Mid-Year Revision - Section C Q41–45 (pages 230 - 232)



Friday 14th February 2025

LC: To write a short recount.

Let's read the beginning of chapter 2.

Close your eyes and pretend you are Hogarth.

Where are you?

What are you doing?

What did you see?

How do you feel?

What are you going to do next? 

Toolkit for a short recount 

  • First person 'I'
  • Past tense
  • Adjectives
  • Verbs

Write your recount from the perspective of Hogarth. You can use this starter if you wish! 

I couldn't believe my eyes, standing high upon a cliff was a huge metal thing. It had enormous ...