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Thursday 6th February 2025

LC: To use inverted commas to punctuate direct speech.

Whole Class

I do not need to make my bed today, my mum has already made it, shouted Millie. 

You're very lucky Millie, I have to make my bed and empty my bin when I get home, replied Nora.

Mille said, Hopefully it won't take you too long because I want meet you at the park.

Don't worry, I'll be quick, exclaimed Nora. 


Thursday 6th February 2025

LC: To infer characters’ thoughts, feelings and actions.

Onyeka and the Academy of the Sun

Today we are going to read chapter three.

Onyeka Chapters 1 - 3

Whole Class Discussion

1. What do Onyeka’s questions about her dad, her hair, and Nigeria suggest about her?

2. Onyeka reflects throughout the chapter on her living situation, her room, and the absence of pictures on the walls. How do these observations make her feel and why?

3. Can you relate to any of the characters’ experiences or emotions? Why/ why not?

4. If your difference showed itself as a superpower, what would it be?


We are going to read a paragraph from chapter three. 

“I turn to the full-length mirror opposite and my mouth drops as I see my reflection. Coils of hair the colour of blue lightening curl out around me. I reach out to touch them and flinch at the tingle of static electricity that shoots through my hand. My fingers move through the unfamiliar texture. Soft, yet strong, like strands of coarse silk. But can it move?”

Answer the questions below in your books.

How might Onyeka feel when she looks in the mirror? (Use evidence from the text).

Onyeka is feeling... because...

What might Onyeka be thinking when she touches her curls and feels the static electricity?

Onyeka might be thinking...

What might she do next?

I predict Onyeka might...



R - What was the jungle a jumble of?

I - Look at the picture. How does the child feel whilst she walks with the tiger? How do you know?

C - What does the tiger say to the child? How do you know? 


Thursday 6th February 2025

LC: To prepare playscripts to read aloud.

Today we are going to choose a playscript we would like to perform. 

Let's read both playscripts and then we will vote!

Once we have chosen a playscript, I am going to put you into groups. In your groups, decide who is playing what role and then start to rehearse.

What do we need to remember when performing?




LC: To be able to solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of volume.