LC: To be able to measure capacity in millilitres and litres.
Religious Education
Monday 3rd February
LC: To describe what Zakat is and why Muslims may perform this practice.
Last week we had a look at a story about Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H) and how he helped an old lady. Helping one another in Islam is very important as it is one of the main duties that you have as a Muslim.
Let's take a look at the five pillars of Islam:
Today, we are focusing on Zakat:
After your trip to the food bank at Downtown Burnley, what can you remember about how they help people on the community?
In your R.E books can you write about why Muslims give Zakat?
Here is a sentence starter to help you with your writing:
Zakat is the third pillar of Islam. Muslims give ______ to those who are _____. Downtown Burnley is a Foodbank that helps people from the local community with ______.