Friday 7th February 2025
LC: To use inverted commas to punctuate direct speech.
Where are you going? shouted Joel.
Don't go near the edge, you might fall over, bellowed Amima.
Tara whispered inside the tent, I think there is someone out there!
On your whiteboards, write the sentences below. Make sure you put the inverted commas in the correct places.
What time will they arrive at school, asked Sarah.
Jack said My favourite colour is blue.
I'm tired of everyone running away from me, the dragon sighed.
Friday 7th February 2025
LC: To respond to a fiction text.
Onyeka and the Academy of the Sun
Whole Class
1. How do you think Onyeka’s perception of herself and her hair influence the choices she makes?
2. Why do you think Onyeka feels uncomfortable embracing her own uniqueness? Do you think others feel this way in society?
3. What lessons might she have learned from this experience, and how could it shape her decisions moving forward?
4. The story features characters from diverse backgrounds. Why do you think it’s important to read stories that include characters from different cultures, ethnicities and backgrounds?
Record your thoughts and feelings about what you have read so far, what the story reminds you of and any questions you now have.
LC: To be able to solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of volume.
Friday 7th February 2025
LC: To place the significant achievements of the Stone Age on a timeline.
We have identified the three periods of the Stone Age. Can you remember what they are? Speak to your talk partners.
Today we will use a timeline to help us to plot how long theses periods lasted for in History. We will use some pictures to match achievements to the different Eras. Let's take a look at some keywords:
This is what a timeline looks like:
You will find that a line has already been created in your history books with no dates. It is your job to add the dates.
Let's go through each era and have a look at what artefacts were found. These are all in a different order, can you guess when they were used? Let's go through this together:
Can you stick these on to your timeline in the correct order?
Now let's take a look at some different artefacts. What do you think this might be?
Can you guess in which Era this was found? Can you now stick this on to your timeline.
When do you think the early humans began to use pottery?
Can you add this to your timeline...
Let's take a look at one last thing. Can you remember during which Era the early humans began to make shelters?
Can you glue this in to the correct place on your timeline?
Without looking at your books, can you tell your talk partner about one thing that was found from each era?
Friday 7th February 2025
LC: To set goals that we would like to achieve this year.
A goal is something that you determine you want, and you work hard to achieve it. Setting goals can help you accomplish big or small tasks in your life. It's important to have a vision, or idea in your mind, of the end result, and create small steps that you can measure, or keep track of.
Going to bed on time on school days
Tidying your room once a week
Eat fewer sweets every day
To learn a new skill, language or sport
To do better in a subject
Talk Partners
Think of a goal you would like to achieve this year and share it with your talk partner.
Write the goal you would like to achieve this year. Think about and write how you can achieve it!