R - Where did the crates sink into?
I - Why was there no land in sight by morning?
C - Can you find two past tense verbs?
Tuesday 28th January 2025
LC: To identify the main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph.
The main Idea
The main idea is what the paragraph is mostly about. What is the most important point?
If a paragraph talks about what elephants eat, where they live, and how they behave, the main idea might be ‘Elephants and their lifestyle.’
Use Headings or Titles
- If your text is non-fiction, look at titles, headings, or subheadings in the text. These often hint at the main ideas.
Identify Key Words or Repeated Ideas
- What words or phrases keep appearing?
Whole Class
Oscar was feeling nervous. He checked his tie for the tenth time, and once again smoothed down the bit of his hair that always stuck up. He looked at the clock and realised it was finally time to leave. Picking up his bag, Oscar shouted goodbye to his mum and walked slowly down the drive. Today was the day he started high school, a day he had been nervously anticipating for what seemed like a lifetime.
What is the main idea of the paragraph?
a) Oscar misses his mum
b) Oscar is nervous to start high school
c) Oscar liked to check his tie
Trees need light to grow, plus water and minerals from the soil. If tree seeds sprout in a forest, the taller trees block out most of the light. When a large tree is blown down, light floods through onto the forest floor. Young trees can then grow, and the fastest will shade out the other young trees.
What is the main idea of the paragraph?
Tuesday 28th January 2025
LC: To use the conjunction 'if' within a complex sentence.
What conjunction have we been using in our complex sentences?
On your whiteboards:
Choose a word below, think of and write a complex sentence. Your complex sentences must include the subordinating conjunction 'if'.
- measure
- treasure
- creature
Tuesday 28th January 2025
LC: To read and analyse a range of poems.
Talk Partners
Have a look at the below poems with your talk partner.
- Look at rhyming words
- Do they have rhythm?
- Which one do you like best and why?
LC: To measure volume in millilitres.
Tuesday 28th January 2025
L.C: To set up an experiment to see how an object moves on different surfaces.
3G - Friction
We are going to experiment with toy cars on a variety of surfaces and find out how different surfaces create friction. However, before we do that we need to decide how to make our experiment fair and reliable.
On your tables discuss these questions with your friends and then feedback to the rest of the class:
1) Would it be fair if you tested one car outside and one car inside? Explain why?
2) Would it be fair if both cars where tested on a rough surface together at the same time? Explain why?
3) Would it be fair and reliable if both cars where tested on different lengths of material? Explain why?
What did we find?