Friday 31st January 2025
LC: To use the conjunction 'although' within a complex sentence.
We use the conjunction 'although' to link two contrasting ideas or to show that one fact makes the other fact surprising.
Although she was scared, she entered the dark room.
Although Tom forgot his lunch, his friend shared a sandwich with him.
Although the dog was small, it barked very loudly.
Although Mia was nervous, she did well in her school play.
Complete the sentences below to make them complex. The conjunction 'although' must be included in your subordinating clause.
Although I didn't like the ice cream,
Although we fell out last week,
Although I hurt my ankle,
I ate all my tea
Friday 31st January 2025
LC: To perform a selected poem using tone, intonation, volume and action.
Today we are going to perform our poem to year 2!
What do we need to think about when performing? Look at the learning wall to help you.
Let's practise
LC: To be able to measure volume in millilitres and litres.

LC: To identify the main achievements during the Neolithic era compared to the Paeolithic and Mesolithic era.
Let's have a quick re-cap.
It's easier to think of the Stone Age to be like a sandwich, because it can be separated in to 3 stages:
What can you remember from the Paleolithic Era and the Mesolithic Era. Circle the correct answers on your worksheet.
This week we are learning about the Neolithic Era which began approximately 6000 years ago! Here are some keywords for us to think about:
Now that early humans had fire and tools to hunt animals, they began farming...
They also began to grow crops such as wheat and barley.
Their houses became more advanced...
Now that we know that the early humans had flint to make a fire, clay to make pots, tools to catch animals and plant seeds. Let's go to the cooking pot and make some simple bread!
Once you have finished... Can you compare life from the Neolithic Era to the Mesolithic and Paleolithic Era?
Compared to the Paleolithic Era and the Mesolithic Era, humans became more advanced and could make...
Friday 31st January 2025
LC: To understand jobs that people may have from different sectors.
Depending on where people live in the UK, the jobs available can be very different.
The three main sectors of jobs which are available include:
Primary sector - includes jobs such as farming, fishing and forestry. These are mainly in the countryside.
Secondary sector - includes manufacturing of goods, such as textiles, aircraft, cars and trains.
Tertiary sector - includes services such as banking, tourism, education, health, transport and IT.
Sorting Activity
There are three different sectors around the room; primary, secondary and tertiary.
In groups, you will look at the images on your table and decide which sector they belong to!
Once you have decided, you need to stick them to the correct sector.
iPad Activity
On your iPad's search for jobs in different sectors.
Things to search:
What do you have to do as a...
Do you need qualifications to be a...
Is is easy to become a...