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Tuesday 21st January 2025

LC: To express time using adverbs.

Let's take a look at our explanation booklet. What have we completed?

Today we are going to write the fourth and the fifth paragraph. We are also going to sketch and label a flower.

Look at your plans. What will you be writing about today? I will look at the next stages on my plan!


Before we begin writing, we need to look at our success criteria on our learning wall! What do we need to include?

What we need on each page!

Page 1 - Heading and a picture of a plant.

Page 2 - Introduction.

Page 3 - Subheading (Germination) and paragraph one.

Page 4 - Subheading (Growing and Flowering) and paragraph two.

Page 5 - Subheading (Pollination) and paragraph three.

Page 6 - Subheading (Fertilisation and Seed Formation) and paragraph four. 

Page 7 - Labelled diagram of a flower (image below).

Page 8 - Subheading (Seed Dispersal) and paragraph five.



Tuesday 21st January 2025

LC: To read weighing scales.


Tuesday 21st January 2025


LC: To compare and group together a variety of everyday materials based on whether they are attracted to a magnet.

Can you remind your talk partner and tell them what attract means?

What does repel mean?

This week we are going to have a look at different materials and check to see which materials will attract a magnet.

Below are some keywords that will help us to understand our task for today!

What material is the pencil made from?


Test some objects to find out if they are made from magnetic or non-magnetic materials. Talk to a partner about what you found.

In your groups, look around the classroom and find:

2 objects made of metal

2 objects made of wood

2 objects made of plastic 

Now test your objects, what did you find?


LC: To draw a flower with pastels, using observational skills.

We have appreciated the work of William Morris. 

What was William Morris inspired by?

Using observational skills, we are going to express ourselves with pastels! We are going to look at the flowers in front of you and carefully draw them with pastels. 

Below are some images of observational drawings and paintings of flowers.