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R - What did Grandad want to make for Nana's tarts?

I - How did Grandad feel about growing raspberries? Where is the evidence in the text?

C - Look at the word 'delicious' in the text. Why has the author decided to write it like that?


Thursday 23rd January 2025

LC: Identify themes in a range of books.

Remember a theme is the lesson or message the author wants you to learn!

We read two stories yesterday. Can you remember what the themes were?

Whole Class

We are going to read the text below.

A princess fell in love with a working boy from the stables. The king refused to let the princess marry such a poor, unroyal person. The stable boy left the kingdom, promising to return one day for his princess.

Three years later, the princess had refused to marry five different rich and powerful princes. The king was furious.

Then in the middle of the night, the stable boy appeared at the princess’s window. He told her that he had settled in another kingdom, living in a small house by a wood and working for a kind farmer. He wasn’t rich but he wanted to marry her. The princess jumped out the window, onto the boy’s horse and they rode away to live happily ever after.

What theme is shown in the story?

Theme list:

• The power of love

• Growing up

• Learning who to trust

• Mis-using a great power or gift

• Standing up for what is right


We are going to read the below story. You are then going to identify the correct theme.

There was a gingerbread man who escaped from the baker who was going to eat him.

He came across a river. There was a little sheep smiling sweetly who had a paddle boat that said, if he helped paddle, they could both cross the river together. Or there was a sleek fox licking his lips that had a speed boat who said the gingerbread man could jump on his boat and didn’t have to do anything, just travel in style.

The gingerbread man jumped onto the fox’s boat and they set off. Half way across the river the fox stopped the boat and chomped the gingerbread man down in one bite.

The theme shown in this story is... because...

Theme list:

• The power of love

• Growing up

• Learning who to trust

• Mis-using a great power or gift

• Standing up for what is right

The Lion and the Mouse



Thursday 23rd January 2025

LC: To explore complex sentences with the conjunction 'if'.

Why do we have complex sentences? 
What do we need to make a complex sentence?

Today we are going to look at some complex sentences with the subordinating conjunction 'if'.

  • If it rains tomorrow, we will stay indoors and watch movies.
  • You can have dessert if you eat all your vegetables.
  • If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world.
  • If the sun is shining, we will go to the park for a picnic.


Talk Partners

Can you think of some sentences with the subordinating conjunction 'if' in? 

Ask your partner if your sentence makes sense?


Write four complex sentences with the subordinating conjunction 'if'.
Remember to proofread your work! Does it make sense? 


Thursday 23rd January 2025

LC: To discuss and respond to poems.

We have received a letter! Shall we read it?

We are now going to watch a poem performed by Michael Rosen. 


Tell me what you enjoyed about the poem. Why?

Tell me what you didn’t like. Why?

Which part did you like best? Why?

Intonation -  how the voice rises and falls in speech. It can affect the meaning of what we say.

Volume - how loud or quiet the sound is.

Tone - describes how a writer feels about a character or an event.



1. Find a poem on Google that you like.

2. Read the first four lines

3. Practice reading it to your partner with intonation, volume and tone!



Review 5 Length  - Turn to page 164