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Wednesday 15th January 2025

LCTo use the present perfect forms of verbs.

Simple Past Tense is used for activities or events that started and finished in the past.

I went there yesterday.

He made a cake last week.

My mum got a new job so we moved house.


Present Perfect Tense is used for activities that started in the past but are still true now, or have an effect on what is happening now.

We haven’t been there yet.

He has taken the cow to market.

He has lived here for many years.



Look at the images below and write a sentence using the present perfect forms of verbs.

Remember to check your sentence to see if it makes sense!









Wednesday 15th January 2025

LC: To discuss and record ideas for planning.

Today we are going to begin planning our explanation texts.

What are the features of an explanation text? Can you remember when we labeled explanation texts last week?

Let's plan!

Your heading is going to be - What is the life cycle of a flowering plant?

My heading is going to be - What is the life cycle of an oak tree?

We will plan our explanations together, step by step.







R - How many teams did Miss Battle-Axe split the class into?

I - How might Horrid Henry's class feel when they went to the playground? Where is the evidence in the text?

C - Why has the author chosen the name Aerobic Al? What does it tell the reader?


Wednesday 15th January 2025

LC: To retrieve and record information from a non-fiction text.

Talk Partners

What does retrieve and record mean?

Whole Class


Read the texts below and answer the question in your books.

Remember to write in complete sentences!

Text 1


1. Where on your body can you check how fast your heart is beating, except from your chest?

You can check how fast your heart is beating by...

2. What carries oxygen around your body to your cells?

3. What is bad for your health?


Text 2


1. What would you see if you walked along the street in India during this festival?

2. What does the festival celebrate?

3. What does 'Diwali' mean?




Wednesday 15th January

LC: To solve word problems.