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Thursday 16th January 2025

LC: To discuss and record ideas for planning.

Today we are going to finish our plan for our explanation text.

What stages did we complete yesterday?

What stages are left?



R - What did Henry do to Brain's toes?

I - Is Henry playing fairly? How do you know?

C - Why has the author used a capital letter at the start of 'Margaret'?


Thursday 16th January 2025

LC: To retrieve and record information from a non-fiction text.

When we retrieve information from texts we need to look for the key words in the question. For example, where does a mole live? 

What key word would I need to look for in a piece of text, to help me find the answer to the above question?

Whole Class


1. Where do Pandas have fur?

2. What other names is the Giant Panda known by?

3. Why do Panda's produce milk?

4. What might the bold colouring on a Giant Panda do?



Read the text 'All about Pigs' and answer the questions. Remember to write in complete sentences. There is a sentence starter below, for the first question. 



 1. What do pigs use their sensitive snouts for?

Pigs use their sensitive snouts for...

2. How many pigs are there in the world?

3. What do pigs like to do at night?

4. How many hoofed toes do they have on each foot?

5. What do pigs spend hours doing?


Thursday 16th January 2025

LC: To solve word problems.