Wednesday 8th January 2025
LC: Explore the main and subordinating clauses in complex sentences.
When the toast was ready, ....
Before the egg hatches, .....
After the brake pedal is pressed, .....
While the boy sang, .....
Because it was too late, ....
Wednesday 8th January 2025
LC: To read and respond to a range of explanation texts.
What are explanation texts?

Explanation texts are pieces of writing that explain something. They might tell you how or why something happens, or give information on how to do something.
Some examples are:
- information books or leaflets
- recipes
- or current affairs articles
- guides and manuals
Whole Class
We are going to read some of the explanation texts below.
First, we need to identify and explore any unfamiliar vocabulary.
Next, we need to highlight the conjunctions.
Finally, we need to note down the key information.
3B English - Spr 1 - Explanation Texts
Wednesday 8th January 2025
LC: Measuring in cm and m.
Is the snowboard longer than 1m? How much longer? How can we work out the length of the snowboard in centimetres only. Discuss with your table partners.
R - What date was the hottest day of the year?
I - Why do you think fans were out of stock in most high street shops?
C - What do you think 'frolicked' means?
Wednesday 8th January 2025
LC: To predict what might happen from details stated.
- A prediction is a guess about what will happen next.
- Use clues from the text and what you already know to make your prediction.
- Predictions help make reading more fun and exciting!
A prediction isn’t what you want to happen next, it’s what you think will happen next, based on the story.
Whole Class
Sam couldn’t find his cat, Whiskers, anywhere. He looked under the bed, behind the chair, and even in the kitchen cupboards. Suddenly, he noticed the back door was slightly open. Sam remembered that Whiskers loved to explore the garden.
Prediction Question:
Where do you think Sam will look next?
What might he find in the garden?
James was running through the living room when he tripped on the rug. He heard a loud crash and turned to see the family’s favourite vase shattered on the floor. His mum would be home in ten minutes.
Prediction Question:
What do you think James will do before his mum gets home?
How might he try to fix the situation?
There was a new student in Emma’s class named Alex. At playtime, Alex stood by the wall, watching the other kids play. Emma saw him looking at the football game but noticed he didn’t join in.
Prediction Question:
What do you think Emma will do next?
How might Alex feel if someone invites him to play?
I predict Emma will...
If someone invites Alex to play, he might feel...
During a game of cricket in the backyard, Jack accidentally hit the ball too hard. It smashed into the living room window, breaking the glass. Jack stood frozen, holding the ball, as he heard his mum coming.
Prediction Question:
What do you think Jack will do when his mum sees the broken window? Why do you think this?
I predict Jack's mum will...