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Wednesday 11th December 2024

LC: Use suffixes to understand the meaning of words.


The suffix -ous means 'full of'.


Sometimes the spelling of a word changes at the end before the suffix is added.

Look for the ‘ous’ suffix word in each of these sentences. What do the words mean?


Not all snake bites are poisonous.

A crocodile is a very dangerous creature.

A famous person is someone well-known to many people.

There were various bones at the museum.

She always dressed up and looked glamorous.

The soldiers were courageous in battle.

I was curious to see how many people turned up.


Wednesday 11th December 2024

LC: Generate and select effectively from vocabulary banks: Noun phrases.


Click on the picture to view topiary images.

Here are some more pictures to help spark ideas for your own choices of animals.


Let's explore the topiary garden!


Now let's explore some ideas for the Magnificent Masterpiece. Click on the picture below.


Now let's add any other details we need to our plans.



LC: To be able to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number with renaming.

Whole Class

1. 11 x 5 =

2. 88 x 4 =

3. 72 x 2 =

4. 49 x 8 =

5. 15 x 3 =

6. 81 x 4 =


1. 41 x 2 =

2. 79 x 3 =

3. 62 x 5 =

4. 90 x 4 =

5. 13 x 2 =

6. 34 x 8 =





Wednesday 11th December 2024

LC: Identify the main ideas from one paragraph and summarise these.

Can you remember what we should look out for when searching for the main idea?

What is the paragraph about?

Let's take a look at the paragraph below.

Washing hands is very important to keep us healthy. When we play outside, our hands can get dirty with germs. Germs can make us ill, so we need to wash our hands regularly. We should wash our hands before eating, after using the toilet, and after playing. To wash our hands properly, we need soap and water. First, wet your hands, then rub the soap all over for at least 20 seconds. Finally, rinse off the soap and dry your hands with a clean towel. By washing our hands, we can stay safe and healthy!

Can you tell your talk partner what the main idea is?

Let's play a game!

Your teacher will put you in to groups of 3-4 and hand out a sentence each. Your group needs to decide if you have the main idea of the paragraph that your teacher is about to read.

Once, in a small village, there was a little girl named Emily. She loved her friends and wanted to make them happy. One day, Emily accidentally broke her friend Sam's toy. Instead of lying, she took a deep breath and told him the truth. "I broke your toy, Sam. I'm really sorry," she said. Sam was sad, but he appreciated Emily's honesty. They talked about how to fix the toy together. From that day on, Emily learned that telling the truth is always the best choice. It helps friends trust each other and makes everything better in the end.

Put your hand up if you think your group has the main idea!

Now, summarise this paragraph in your Reading Journals.

Remember to look at what the main idea is and find sentences that support the main idea.