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Friday 6th December 2024

LC: Use subordinating conjunctions to create complex sentences.


Now we have read the whole of The Night Gardener story, use some of the events to create four of your own complex sentences.


Here are some pictures as a reminder.

Select subordinating conjunctions from below and use them in your Night Gardener sentences.

 when     if         because         although         while          since           until         before         after

Friday 6th December 2024

LC: Generate and select adverbials for time.


first of all          then         next             one day                      


after that          meanwhile 


         it wasn’t long before         during the night       


       over the next few days               in the end




Friday 6th December 2024

LC: To identify how to form respectful relationships.

Over the past few weeks we have learnt a lot about respectful relationships. 

Talk Partners

How can you respect others? What could you do? What could you say?


Today you are going to create an information leaflet identifying how to form respectful relationships. 

What would we need on the front page?

What sort of information could you include?

Do you think illustrations will help the reader?

Below is an example of an information leaflet about forming respectful relationships. You can also use google to find some images for your leaflet!



LC: To subtract two 3-digit numbers with renaming.

Whole Class


1. 925 - 222 =

2. 494 - 371 =

3. 362 - 181 =

4. 746 - 283 =

5. 728 - 661 =

6. 251 - 125 =

7. 587 - 393 =



 Friday 6th December 2024

LC: To identify similarities and differences of the features over a period within Lancashire.



Let's take a look at what Blackpool looked like in the 1800's. 

Click on the picture below 

What has changed over time?

What is different about the transport?

Now it's your turn to identify what has changed on your worksheet.