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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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Thursday 28th November 2024

LC: Write the final paragraph of a folk tale that includes commas in a list.







R: What are the children going to make?

I: What do you think a 'partridge' is? Why?

C: How has the author made you feel? How have they done this?

Thursday 28th November

LC: To predict what might happen from details stated.

Let's make some predictions in our Reading Journals

  • Based on the text what do you think will happen next?
  • What do you think the fox will say to the wolf?


Can you complete the following independently?




LC: To solve missing number division problems.


Thursday 28th November 2024

LC: To follow instructions to create a catapult. 

What did we do last week?

What will we need to do next?

Today we are going to make the throwing arm and fit the elastic band!

You and your partner will need:

  • 3 skewers
  • masking tape
  • 1 lollipop stick
  • part of a straw
  • elastic band
