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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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Monday 25th November 2024  

LC: Write the opening of a folk tale that includes complex sentences.


Watch and listen  to your teacher rehearsing their innovated story.


Now rehearse your story, then share it with your partner. Use the actions you practised to help you remember it.






LC: To be able to solve word problems involving division.


Monday 25th November 2024

LC: To suggest why Noah, Abraham and Moses chose to listen to and follow God.

What do Christians believe?

3B RE - God - Lesson 5

This term we have looked at three different stories from the bible. 

Who were the stories about?

Let's discuss what happened in each of the stories!






Which part of the bible were the stories from?


Talk Partners

What did God say to each of the men?

Why did they all choose to listen to God?


In your books you are going to write why Moses, Abraham and Noah chose to listen to God. 

Moses, Abraham and Noah chose to listen to and follow God because...