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R -       Where is the cottage located?

I -        Why might the house melt on a sunny day?

C -     What does the word 'tasty' tell the reader about    the house?


LC: Infer characters’ feelings from their actions

Today we are going to read some pictures that have been painted with words and infer how the characters are feeling from the descriptions of their actions.

Now you are going to apply your inference skills independently.


Wednesday 20th November 2024

LC: To Identify the conjunctions and main and subordinate clauses in complex sentence


When the cottars saw the green children, they were shocked. 


The cottars were shocked when they saw the green children.


Clac rubbed the back of his neck because it was aching.


Because it was aching, Clack rubbed the back of his neck.


Although he felt apprehensive, Clac said that he would speak to the green children.


Clack said that he would speak to the children although he was feeling apprehensive.


Wednesday 20th November 2024

LC: Orally retell a folk tale.


Let's rehearse our story again and add actions for the rest of it.


The Green Child


A very long time ago in a place called Suffolk in England a strange thing happened.


A man called Clack was tending to his garden on a Friday morning when he spotted a face peering up at him in his beloved cabbage patch.  The face smiled and winked at him but didn’t say anything.


When Clack pulled back the cabbage leaves, he realised it was a small child. It wasn’t any small child because he was green!  He had green hair, green eyes, green cheeks, green arms and legs and green clothes.


Clack picked up the small green child and took him inside because he looked hungry.  Clack opened his fridge and took out some jam and some green grapes.  The small child only wanted to eat the grapes. 


Clack looked in his cupboard to find some more food.  He took out some bread and some green peas.  The small child gobbled up the green peas very quickly and then Clack realised he would only eat green food.


After a while, everything in the house started turning green. The floor turned green, the windows turned green and even the letter box turned green.


Clack wondered what to do.  He asked his neighbour. 


“ What should I do?” he asked Geraldine who lived next door.

“ Try feeding him different foods which are different colours,” said Geraldine.


Clack found lots of yellow foods including bananas, cheese, pineapples and rice.   He made a menu:



Mains                  Dessert

cheese                            bananas

sweetcorn                       pineapple

yellow peppers                lemons

egg yolks                         custard


The green child was excited and gobbled up all of the yellow foods.   Suddenly, his skin started to turn yellow.


“I like being a yellow colour,” said the yellow child.  He smiled and gobbled up more cheese!



We have achieved lots of new learning about grammar and punctuation in Year 3. What can you spot in the story?



LC: To be able to divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number with renaming.