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Josh was waiting for his friends to arrive at his birthday party. Dad had put all of the food on the table and mum had added a cake with seven candles. The doorbell rang. 

"Mum, they're here!"

 R -        Why was Josh having a party?

I -         How old was Josh?

C  -      Why has the writer used ! at the end of the last                    sentence?


LC: To infer characters’ thoughts and feelings from their actions.

What is inference?

When we read stories, watch films or TV shows, look at pictures or play video games, we use lots of different skills to work out what is happening.

One of these skills is called inference.

Inferring is a bit like being a detective. You have to use the clues to work out the hidden information.

Imagine the main character in a story skips into a room, smiling brightly and waving to their friends. You could infer that the character is happy.

The text hasn’t told you the character is happy, but you can work it out from the clues given.

To help us infer when we are reading, it is useful to know how people look and behave when they are feeling different emotions. 

Look at the pictures below. What clues does each pictures give us about how the character is feeling? What word would we use for the feeling?


        How is she feeling?                      How is he feeling?

       How do we know?                         How do we know?



Tuesday 19th November 2024

LC: To create and write dialogue.


What do you think Mr and Mrs Barleycorn might have said to each other? 


Write your own dialogue in the speech bubbles. Then write the dialogue as a piece of text. Remember to include all the punctuation needed.


Tuesday 19th November 2024

LC: Orally retell a folk tale.

We are going to learn a folk tale based on the ones we’ve read all about finding green children.


What happened to their home when the Barleycorns took in the Greenling? 


In this story the Green Child will only eat green food – what do you think might happen to the house?



The Green Child


A very long time ago in a place called Suffolk in England a strange thing happened.


A man called Clack was tending to his garden on a Friday morning when he spotted a face peering up at him in his beloved cabbage patch.  The face smiled and winked at him but didn’t say anything.


When Clack pulled back the cabbage leaves, he realised it was a small child. It wasn’t any small child because he was green!  He had green hair, green eyes, green cheeks, green arms and legs and green clothes.


Clack picked up the small green child and took him inside because he looked hungry.  Clack opened his fridge and took out some jam and some green grapes.  The small child only wanted to eat the grapes. 


Clack looked in his cupboard to find some more food.  He took out some bread and some green peas.  The small child gobbled up the green peas very quickly and then Clack realised he would only eat green food.


After a while, everything in the house started turning green. The floor turned green, the windows turned green and even the letter box turned green.


Clack wondered what to do.  He asked his neighbour. 


“ What should I do?” he asked Geraldine who lived next door.

“ Try feeding him different foods which are different colours,” said Geraldine.


Clack found lots of yellow foods including bananas, cheese, pineapples and rice.   He made a menu:



Mains                  Desserts

cheese                            bananas

sweetcorn                       pineapple

yellow peppers                lemons

egg yolks                         custard


The green child was excited and gobbled up all of the yellow foods.   Suddenly, his skin started to turn yellow.


“I like being a yellow colour,” said the yellow child.  He smiled and gobbled up more cheese!


To help us learn and remember the story, we are going to use a picture story map.


Now lets add some actions



Review 3 (multiplication and division)

Pages 104-108.


Tuesday 19th November 2024

LC: To explore and describe how water is transported within plants.











What happened to the flower?

Water plays an important role in any plant’s life and growth. Through their roots, plants absorb the water from the soil, which then travels up the plant through its water transport system.



Let’s study the plants’ water transport system by looking at some celery stalks. The stocks are made up of of plant tissue, and hollow tubes called xylem.


Xylem tubes move the water absorbed by the roots up to the plant’s stem, leaves and flowers. The process where different forces make water go up a plant is called capillary action.


Activity 2

Use the word bank to help you complete the sentences below.


Activity 3 

As a class we are going to complete an experiment.

We are going to put a white carnation (flower) and a piece of celery into coloured water and observe what happens over time. 

What do you think will happen to the flower petals and why?

What do you think will happen to the Xylem tubes in the celery and why?

Write your predictions in your book! 

I predict that... because...

I predict that... because...