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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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R - Where does the troll live?

I - Why does the troll get grumpy when goats cross the bridge?

C - What does the word 'furious' tell the reader about    the troll?


LC: Infer characters’ feelings from their actions.

How is Dion feeling? What do her actions tell us?



How is Simone feeling? What do her actions tell us? 



Independent task shared read:

How does Krishan feel in the first two paragraphs? What do his actions tell us?  

How does he feel in the third paragraph? What do his actions tell us? 



Thursday 21st November 2024

LC: Create complex sentences using a range of conjunctions.


Complete each sentence with another clause. You can add it before or after the given clause. You might need to change or swap some other words round. Make sure all the punctuation is correct.


after Clac saw the green children

when they had finished their morning work the cottars

because the green children were frightened

while the sun was blazing down

before settling down for their lunch


Thursday 21st November 2024

LC: Discuss and record ideas for planning using prompts.

Mrs Davison has been looking at your English books and the amazing stories you have written in Year 3. We have told her that in our English lessons this half term we have been reading folk tales. This is her favourite genre! She has asked Miss Broadleday and Mr Barry if they will let you write some folk tales of your own to share with her so that she can show them off to some of our special visitors.


SO today we are going to be gathering ideas for writing our own folk tales.


Because we have been learning a story, we are going to ‘steal’ some of the ideas, but change some of them to make each story your own.



Our stories will be set in an English county. Which ones should we select for us to choose from?



LC: To be able to divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number with renaming, using the standard algorithm.


Thursday 21st November 2024

LC: To follow instructions to create a catapult.

Today we are going to create the base of the catapult. 

You and your partner will need:

  • 9 lollipop sticks
  • Tape

Can you remember which tape was the strongest last week?

Creating a catapult!