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Tuesday 12th November 2024

LC: Identify how inverted commas are used to indicate direct speech.

Highlight the inverted commas in this text.

Do they all enclose the words actually spoken.

Look at the words outside inverted commas. What function do they have?


“Come on,” called Clac.  He sat on the turf balk dividing his strip from the next, waiting impatiently.  “This sun… I’ve had enough of it.”

“So have I,” groaned Grim.  He slumped against the balk.

“And so have I,” sighed Swein, collapsing in a heap like a sack of potatoes. Suddenly, a movement caught Clack's attention.

“Come on,” cried Clac, “you and you and all the rest of you.”

Panting heavily, the others followed him. “Look!” insisted Clac, pointing again. “Look!” And there, huddling in the hollow of the largest pit, the cottars saw what Clac had seen: two green children. Their skin was green, their hair was green, they wore green clothes. And one was a boy, the other was a girl.


Tuesday 12th November 2024

LC: Generate questions to deepen understanding.



What is this growing on Barleycorn land?

What is this standing where once stood a tree?

Is it intended for Barleycorn hands?

I wonder, thinks he, could this be for me?



His wife wants to know where it came from.

He says, "Where the wildflowers grow."

She says, "It belongs to the wild then,

And back to the land it should go."





LC: To be able to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number without renaming.



Tuesday 12th November 2024

LC:  To describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants and trees.



  • Roots

    • Anchor the Plant: Roots hold the plant in place in the soil.
    • Absorb Water and Nutrients: They take in water and minerals from the soil, which are essential for the plant's growth.
  • Stem

    • Support: The stem holds up the plant, supporting leaves, flowers, and fruit.
    • Transport: It acts like a highway, moving water, nutrients, and food between the roots and leaves.
  • Leaves

    • Photosynthesis: Leaves make food for the plant through a process called photosynthesis, where they use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create food (sugar).
    • Gas Exchange: Leaves take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, which is essential for the plant and also helps animals and humans breathe.
  • Flowers

    • Reproduction: Flowers help the plant reproduce by producing seeds. They attract insects (like bees) to pollinate the plant so it can make seeds and grow new plants.


The Structure of a Plant Quiz


What are the functions of each part of a flowering plant?


The stem...




 Anti-bullying Week

Tuesday 14th November 2024

Anti-bullying Week

Anti-bullying Live Lesson 


What would you do to help the captains end their conflict?


Eat Well Lunchbox