
Monday 11th November 2024
LC: Identify how inverted commas are used to indicate direct speech.
Highlight the words spoken in one colour and the inverted commas in another. What function do the inverted commas have?
“What’s your baby called then?” asked Sam.
“Teddy,” muttered Mum, pausing for a moment.
“That’s a silly name, I reckon,” said Sam.
“Why’s that?” demanded Mum, tidying up the dishes and giving the table a quick wipe.
“Well, he’ll get teased, I reckon.”
Sam stared at the baby. It was fast asleep. He could see that it was breathing as the nostrils flared ever so slightly with each breath.
“My Mum reckons I looked like a treacle pudding when I was born,” whispered Sam.
“Come along now,” snapped Mum, wiping the table again with a sudden flourish. “There’s a lot of tidying left to be done in your room.”
Monday 11th November 2024
LC: Read aloud with expression and intonation.
What can you see?
What is this growing on Barleycorn land?
What is this standing where once stood a tree?
Is it intended for Barleycorn hands?
I wonder, thinks he, could this be for me?
His wife wants to know where it came from.
He says, "Where the wildflowers grow."
She says, "It belongs to the wild then,
And back to the land it should go."
LC: To be able to multiply multiples of 10 by a 1-digit number.
Monday 11th November 2024
LC: To identify the Christian beliefs and values contained within the story of Abraham.
What is the Old Testament?
Think back to the story we looked at last week. What were the beliefs and values within that story?
Today we are going to look at another story from the bible; God's Promise to Abraham! Read this story carefully!
This story, like many stories in the bible identify beliefs and values.
Talk Partners
How did Abraham show his belief in God? What did he do?
How did God reward Abraham?
What were Abraham's values?
selfish, trustworthy, patient, evil, obedient, dishonest, persistent
What were Abraham's values?
Abraham was...
How did Abraham show his belief in God?
Abraham showed his belief in God by...
How did God reward Abraham?
God rewarded Abraham by...