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LC: To be able to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number with renaming, using the standard algorithm.


Friday 15th November 2024

LC: Use inverted commas to punctuate direct speech.


Have a conversation about the weather with someone.

Write it down using the correct punctuation.


For example:

"My garden is covered in snow!" exclaimed Bill.

"Mine too, so I think I'll go out and build a snowman." replied Sam.

Bill smiled and said, "What a great idea. Let's have a snowball fight too."


Friday 15th November 2024

LC: To make predictions from details stated and implied and respond using point and evidence.

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A baby is not like a hat.

What's picked is picked, what's done is done, 

and that, Barleycorn, is that.


So forget what you know about baby demands.

This is a different breed.

It's clear he has needs only trees understand;

a vegetable hunger to feed.


With night fast approaching Barleycorn says,

"We can't leave him outside for the crows.

If some of this outside was inside, 

he could settle in safe if he chose,


"I know what you're up to," mutters his wife,

"but keeping him here is not right.

Get rid of the goblin by morning.

He goes or we're in for a fight."


Do you think Mrs Barleycorn will let the baby stay? Choose

I think Mrs Barleycorn will let the baby stay because in the text it says . . .


I think Mrs Barleycorn will not let the baby stay because in the text it says . . .


What do you think will happen next? What makes you think that?




Friday 15th November 2023

LC: To recognise bullying and identify how to help.



Too often, we are silent when we see bullying take place, silent about the hurt bullying causes, and silent when we hear bullying dismissed as ‘just banter’.
It doesn't have to be this way. Anti-Bullying Week reminds us we can bring an end to bullying.


What have we learnt about bullying this week?

What should be we do if we are getting bullied?

What should we do if we see someone else getting bullied?


Talk Partners

Can you think of all the examples of bullying?


Today you are going to create a poster about bullying.

Things to include:

What to do if you're being bullied

How to help someone who is being bullied

If you need some inspiration, look at the images below!

3B PSHCE - Antibullying Poster




Friday 22nd November 2024

LC: To research some of the most popular physical and human features in Lancashire.

These photographs show some landmarks in Lancashire that people like to visit. Do you recognise any of them? Talk with your talk partner.

Help your teacher to label each picture.





Which of the landmarks are physical and which are human?

With your group, find and share one fact about the landmark your teacher allocates to you.