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LC: To be able to solve word problems involving multiplication.




Wednesday 6th November 2024 

LC: Add 'ed' and 'ing ' to verbs.


These are some root verbs from The Green Children story. Add 'ing' or 'ed' and write the new word on your whiteboard. Take turns to tell each other a sentence with your word in it.


straighten              grunt            fill            rub

              glance               stop           gleam

groan                 slump            sigh               cry


Wednesday 6th November 2024 

LC: Use clues to make inferences about character’s thoughts and feeling.


Let's re-read the part of The Green Children where the cottars discover the boy and girl.


And there, huddled in the hollow of the largest pit, the cottars saw what Clac had seen: two green children. Their skin was green, their hair was green, they wore green clothes. And one was a boy and the other was a girl.


Here is the next part of the story. How do you think Clac was feeling and what was he thinking when he saw the children? What might he have been thinking? Look for clues in the text. 


For a moment, nobody moved, nobody spoke. The cottars looked down at the green children and the green children looked up at the cottars. “Blessed Edmund preserve us!” exclaimed Clack and he made the sign of the cross.

”And Saint William of Norwich,” muttered Grim, and he made the sign of the cross too.

“Who can they be?” said Swein helplessly.

“Ask them,” said Clac. Swein laughed nervously.

“All right then,” said Clac.  “I will ask them.” But he was nervous too. The break in his voice betrayed him. The cottars bunched together anxiously.

“They might be little folk,” Swein warned him.

“Let’s leave them alone,” said Thurkett.”Look at them,” Clac replied. “Do they look as if they mean harm?”

The cottars crowded to the edge of the pit watching breathlessly. If one man had moved, the rest would have toppled down. The green children held tight to each other. They gazed up at the cottars and trembled.



R - What were the trees covered in?

I - What might the children discover?

C - If you were the author how would you describe the trees?


 Wednesday 6th November 2024 

LC: To identify and summarise the main ideas drawn from a paragraph.

1. Bill loves to play games. His favourite game is chess because it requires a great deal of thought. Bill also likes to play less demanding board games that are based mostly on luck. He prefers Monopoly because it requires luck and skill. If he’s alone, Bill likes to play action video games as long as they aren’t too nasty.


What is the main idea of this paragraph?

a. Bill dislikes nastiness.

b. Bill likes to think.

c. Bill enjoys Monopoly.

d. Bill enjoys playing games.


2. Pat is watching too much television. A toddler shouldn’t be spending hours staring blankly at a screen. Worse yet, some of her wild behavior has been inspired by those awful cartoons she watches. We need to spend more time reading books with her and pull the plug on the TV!


What is the main idea of this paragraph?

a. Watching a lot of television isn’t good for Pat.

b. Books are good.

c. All cartoons are bad.

d. Some cartoons are bad for Pat.