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LC: To be able to solve word problems involving multiplication and division.


Friday 8th November 2024

LC: Know the spelling rules when adding ‘ing’ and ‘ed’ to verbs.

Spot the errors in theses sentences and correct them:


I cryed when I fell down and hurt my knee

the woman stoped to look at the beautiful flowers.

Most of the children in school are chating to their friends.

We carryd our water bottles to the Muga

Sam grined mischievously at his friend


Friday 8th November 2024

LC: Be able to include thoughts and feelings in a recount.

Today you are going to write a recount letter from one of the green children to a friend to tell them about when they were found by the cottars.

Let's get ready! Here is the next part of the story.


The boy and the girl were clutching one another, looking up at the nine men fearfully. And then, quite unexpectedly, the green girl buried her face in her hands and began to sob.

“You see?” said Clac.

“All the same, it might be a trick,” mumbled Grim suspiciously.

Clac took no notice at all. He stepped forward, slid down the grassy bank, and walked towards the children.

The closer he drew, the more astonished he became – so much so that he completely forgot his nervousness. In all his thirty years, he had never seen or even heard of anything like it before: green children . . . a boy and a girl with green cheeks, green fingers, and, poking out of their green sandals, green toes.

“Hello!” said Clac in his gruff, friendly voice. “Who are you?” And he smiled encouragingly.

The children huddled still closer together. They gazed at Clac bewildered, and said nothing.




Friday 8th November 2024

To sketch and label Turf Moor and explain whether it’s an example of physical or human geography

We are going to be using the following skills to help us in our learning today.


Talking Partners

Discuss what you think the terms below mean;

research and enquiry

locational knowledge



Whole Class

Look at the map of the U.K below, whereabouts do you think Lancashire is located? Can you explain to your teacher your rationale?


Now take a look at the map of the county of Lancashire below. Can you locate the town, Burnley?



Located within the town of Burnley is Turf Moor Football Club.

Use your fieldwork and observational drawing skills to sketch Turf Moor. 

 Turf Moor is an example of human/physical geography because ...



Friday 8th November 2024

LC: To identify the impact bullying can have on and offline.

We discussed the term 'bullying' last week. 

What did we discuss? What is bullying?


The impact of bulling!

1. Emotional Effects

  • Low Self-Esteem: Bullying often causes children to doubt their self-worth and can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low confidence.
  • Anxiety and Fear: Children who experience bullying may feel anxious, fearful, or stressed, especially when going to school or social events where bullying might occur.

2. Academic Performance

  • Reduced Focus and Engagement: Anxiety and distress can make it hard for children to focus in class. They may have trouble concentrating, which can hinder their learning.
  • Absenteeism: To avoid bullies, children may try to skip school or feign illness, leading to missed learning opportunities and gaps in their education.

3. Social Skills and Relationships

  • Difficulty Trusting Others: Bullying can make it hard for children to build healthy relationships, as they might struggle to trust their peers or feel that they need to protect themselves.
  • Social Withdrawal: Some bullied children may become socially withdrawn, avoiding group activities or play with other children. This can limit their social development and make it harder to form friendships.
