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LC: To be able to recognise the pattern in the 4 and 8 times tables.




Monday 28th October 2024

LC: Creating Interest



Take a look at the images below.

What can you see?

What do they have in common?

Have you ever been on woodland adventure?















Monday 28th October 2024

LC: To identify what Abrahamic faiths believe in.

Abrahamic Faiths

The three main Abrahamic faiths are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. They share some important beliefs but also have their own unique ideas.


What do Abrahamic faiths believe in? 

One God: All three religions believe in one God who created everything. They think of God as powerful, kind, and caring.

Prophets: They believe that God sends prophets to guide people.


Some important prophets include:

Abraham - Abraham is often called the father of these faiths because of his strong belief in one God.

Noah - Noah is known for his faith in God and his role in the story of the Great Flood.

Moses - Moses is known for leading the Israelites out of Egypt and receiving God’s laws.



In groups of three you are going to create a poster on A3 paper.

On your poster you are going to identify what Abrahamic Faiths believe in.

Abrahamic faiths believe in...

Then you will name all three prophets and write a sentence about them. 

You can use the information above!