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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to solve word problems involving calculating the total amount of money.

Let's explore.
Let's learn.
Let's try the guided practice together.
Turn to page 31 and 32.


Now we know the purpose of these posters are to persuade us to visit the attractions. Their audience is families, especially with young children.

Let's take a closer look at what features they use to persuade.


Is it appealing to read? In what way?

Why do you think they have chosen those colours?

What language have they used to persuade you as a reader to visit the circus?

Why have they used different fonts and sizes?

What stands out the most?


Let's take another look at our examples in class and see how they are similar or if we can find any other features these authors have used to try and persuade us to visit their attraction.