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To be able to count money in coins, and use the symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p).

Let's explore.

Let's learn.

Let's try the guided practice together.

Turn to page 21 and 22.


Today, you get to write your own stories based on the original. It's your chance to show the skills you have learned and just how imaginative you can be.


Things to include in your story:

  • past tense
  • time adverbials
  • coordinating conjunctions
  • subordinating conjunctions
  • adjectives
  • question and exclamation marks

Things all writing should include in Year 2:

  • finger spaces
  • capital letters and full stops
  • neat/joined handwriting
  • phonics/spelling rules


To make sure we write to the best of our ability we must: sit comfortably, hold our pencil correctly and manage our distractions.


Keep looking back at the story map you have drawn and say the sentence you are writing out loud along with your actions. 

Lastly-Don't forget the punctuation!