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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to identify pounds (£) and pence (p) and their respective symbols.

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Let's learn. 

Activity time


Today, we are going to use subordination for time in our writing. We know that subordinating clauses are parts of sentences that do not make sense on their own.


Subordinating conjunctions include WHEN and BECAUSE.


Let's take a look at the last part of the chapter and see where subordination for time has been used to give more detail.



Well done if you spotted that is was the part of the sentence in red which says,

when it was getting dark


This part of the sentence doesn't make sense on it's own, but it does give the reader more detail and helps them create an image in their head. The other part of the sentence (the MAIN CLAUSE) make sense without this.

That evening, Plop closed his eyes and tried to remember something good.

Can you identify the symbols on a map and explain what they mean?

Talk partner

Can you remember what a compass looks like? Talk to your partners.

Can you tell your teacher the missing signs on this compass?


A map usually has a compass so the reader knows which direction to travel. When you were younger, you learned left and right, up and down. Well, it's very similar!



 Let’s go outside and use a compass!