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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to count money using a combination of notes and coins, and use the symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p).

Let's explore. 

Let's learn.

Activity time

Tap the image below to play the Money Shop game.

This weekend, Mrs Fernandes went on a day out to Chester Zoo. Click on the picture below to see the adventures she took part in.


Where have you been on days out? 

What has been your favourite trip? 

Who were you with? 

How did you feel?

Maybe, your favourite days are when we all go across to the STEAM Hub, or the Global Gardens, visiting one of Burnley's landmarks, visiting Thompson park or somewhere you have been with your family.

Write a recount of your favourite experience on a day out using the past tense.


For example:

When I was six, I visited a farm. I loved it because my dad let us feed the newborn lambs. One even tried to eat my jumper. I called my lamb Bill and my sister called her's Ben. It was so much fun!


Click on the picture below to find out more things to do on days out.




Can you explain how rules and restrictions keep you safe?

Water safety



Whilst we don't have a river or beach in Stoneyholme we do have a canal which are just as dangerous.

Leeds To Liverpool Canal Bike Ride Time

  • Low water temperatures cause the body to go into cold water shock.
  • Water can be much deeper or shallower than expected and cause serious harm if jumping in.
  • Steep slimy banks make it hard to get out of the water.
  • Reeds and other plants can get tangled around your legs.
  • Mud makes it difficult to walk even if you can stand up.
  • Litter and waste can trap feet and cause injury.




As part of Book Week everybody in school is going to create their own lantern of a book character.

As we have been reading 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' we are going to make a lantern of an owl like Plop or his mum or dad.

We are going to use the skills we have learned in Art to create a collage on out lanterns of an owl.


We are also going to reduce the impact we have on the planet's resources by re-using and recycling materials from previous Art projects.