To be able to solve two-step word problems involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers within 100.

We will model how to write the beginning of the story. Use the model and your ideas to begin your story.
Is being part of a community the same for everyone?
Why do Muslims believe it is important to obey Allah?
What can Muslims do to show they remember Allah and they make time for Allah?
Talk partner
What is the Muslim community doing together?
Why are they making time for Allah?
Shahadah - declaration of faith.
'There is non worthy of worship beside Allah and Muhammad PBUH is his final messenger'.
Salah - the five daily prayers.
Salah encourage self-discipline and keeps Muslims in close contact with Allah. It is a sign of solidarity with all other Muslims and it shows that everyone is equal in their worship of God.
Is being part of a community the same for everyone?
For example:
It is the same because all Muslims...
It is not the same because...