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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers within 100.

Let's explore.
Let's learn.
Let's try the guided practice together.
Turn to page 5 and 6. 

Does CHANGE always make things better?

To plan and discuss what to write about.

We are going to use the story map and actions together with the ideas we gathered about our favourite words and phrases to make changes to the short story we have been learning.

We will change the character Plop meets, the adjective that is used to describe the dark and the object he is compared to.


We are going to look at an artist called Henri Matisse. He created a very famous collage called ‘The Snail’.

Click on the picture.


You are going to create your own interpretation of ‘The Snail’.
You need to think carefully about the scale of your pieces in your collage, the colours and the shapes that you use.

We are also going to reduce the impact we have on the planet's resources by re-using and recycling materials from previous Art projects.




Take your pick. Which spelling is correct?

Write it in your spelling book.

likeing   liking

danced   danceed

hiding   hideing

jokeing   joking

useing   using


Check your answers with your partner.

What rule do we need to remember when we add 'ing' or 'ed' to a word ending in 'e'?

What words can you create if you add 'ing' or 'ed' to these root words?








Choose three words to use in a  sentence, write them in your spelling book.

You have a spelling test on Spelling Frame.


